Recommended Book Resources |
Warburton, N. (2008), Thinking from A to Z, Taylor & Francis.
Supplementary Book Resources |
Galef, J. (2021), The scout mindset: Why some people see things clearly and others don’t, Piatkus.
Pinker, S. (2021), Rationality: What it is, why it seems so scarce, why it matters, Allen Lane.
Tetlock, P., & Gardner, D. (2015), Superforecasting: The art and science of predication, Random House Business.
Thaler, R. H., & Sunstein, C. R. (2008), Nudge: Improving decisions about wealth, health and happiness, Penguin Books.
This module does not have any article/paper resources |
Other Resources |
[Website], Less wrong - Rationality: A-Z,
[Website], Givewell,