Specifications of the qualifications and experience required of staff
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module the learner will be able to:
Learning Outcome Description
Select, justify and use a range of digital technologies to support and augment their professional practice in the FET sector or equivalent.
Develop/adapt and implement a digital learning resource relevant to their practice and share it with fellow practitioners.
Conduct a structured inquiry into to the possibilities afforded by new technologies in the FET sector or equivalent.
Module Recommendations
This is prior learning (or a practical skill) that is required before enrolment on this module. While the prior learning is expressed as named NCI module(s) it also allows for learning (in another module or modules) which is equivalent to the learning specified in the named module(s).
No recommendations listed
Co-requisite Modules
No Co-requisite modules listed
Entry requirements
Module Content & Assessment
Indicative Content
Week 1
Introduction to Learning and Technology
Interactive exercise to prompt reflection and discussion on current and desired digital practices using the Visitor and Residents framework.
Discussion to explore understandings of technology-enhanced learning and the policy context for its development within the sector.
Guided introduction to the blended learning environment, including the virtual learning environment and virtual classroom.
Presentation and discussion on the flipped classroom pedagogical model, and group exercise to design a flipped lesson.
Demonstration and discussion of classroom/workshop technologies (e.g. interactive presentation tools, lecture capture, polling/response systems), including mobile computing/Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) considerations.
Introduction to assessment and formation of discussion groups to support project generation and development.
Presentation and discussion on role of learning journal and digital tools for personal reflection.
Week 2
Digital Learning Resources – Finding and Evaluating
Directed study of materials addressing curation versus creation of resources, finding and evaluating resources (including use considerations such as usability, accessibility, copyright and intellectual property), and multimedia forms (e.g. infographics, audio, video, animation, screencasts, ebooks).
Activity to find and evaluate a digital learning resource relevant to practice context (Discussion Forum).
Week 3
Digital Learning Resources ‐ Developing and Managing
Presentation and discussion addressing tools for creating/adapting digital learning resources, storyboarding, and the management and sharing of resources.
Week 4
Digital Learning Resources ‐ Learning Design
Directed study of materials introducing the DADDIE (Define‐Analyse‐Design‐Develop‐Implement‐Evaluate) instructional design model as a systematic approach to the development of instructional strategies that integrate digital learning resources.
Activity to review and update draft project plan in light of DADDIE model.
Week 5
Practitioner presentations of stage 1 assignment (plan for digital learning resource).
Week 6
Active Learning with Technology – Instructional Strategies
Directed study of materials addressing active learning theories and strategies.
Exercise to design a learning activity complementary to the developing digital resource.
Week 7
Active Learning with Technology ‐ Tools
Presentation and discussion of tools for active learning, including communication and collaboration (preparation for week 8).
Week 8
Active Learning with Technology ‐ Tools
Directed study of materials addressing active learning tools (follow‐up to week 7). Activity to use and evaluate a tool to promote active learning.
Week 9
Assessment and Evaluation
Presentation and discussion addressing principles for effective assessment and feedback in teaching and learning.
Week 10
Assessment and Evaluation
Directed study of materials addressing assessment and evaluation tools (e.g. online quizzes, rubrics and surveys).
Activity to use and evaluate an assessment/evaluation tool appropriate to practice.
Week 11
Reading Week
Week 12
Presentations and Professional Development Planning
Presentation and discussion of digital competence frameworks.
Presentation and discussion on using digital technologies to support continuing professional development (e.g. special interest groups, MOOCS etc.)
Reflection and revised action planning.
Assessment Breakdown
Part Time
Assessment Type:
Assignment 1
% of total:
Assessment Date:
Outcome addressed:
Assessment Description: Plan for the development or adaptation and
integration of a digital learning resource.
Assessment Type:
Assignment 2
% of total:
Assessment Date:
Outcome addressed:
Assessment Description: Development/adaptation, implementation and
evaluation of digital learning resource
No End of Module Assessment
No Workplace Assessment
Reassessment Requirement
Coursework Only This module is reassessed solely on the basis of re-submitted coursework. There is no repeat written examination.
Reassessment Description Candidates who do not successfully complete the module will be required to repeat the assessment and may build on prior work. All learning outcomes will be assessed in the repeat assessment.
NCIRL reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment
Module Workload
Module Target Workload Hours 0 Hours
Workload: Part Time
Workload Type
Workload Description
Average Weekly Learner Workload
No Description
Per Semester
Directed Learning
Directed eLearning
Per Semester
Independent Learning
No Description
Per Semester
Total Weekly Contact Hours
Module Resources
This module does not have any book resources
This module does not have any article/paper resources