Module Code: H8CAO
Long Title Computer Architecture Operating Systems and Networks
Title Computer Architecture Operating Systems and Networks
Module Level: LEVEL 8
EQF Level: 6
EHEA Level: First Cycle
Credits: 5
Departments: School of Computing
Specifications of the qualifications and experience required of staff

Msc degree in Computer Science. Experience Lecturing , work experience or projects in the specific domain

Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module the learner will be able to:
# Learning Outcome Description
LO1 Identify and describe the relationship between each component of the computer system and how each individual component works
LO2 Develop a conceptual understanding of different operating systems architectures
LO3 Demonstrate competent use of the system utilities, tools and user interface to exercise, demonstrate and investigate the Operating System
LO4 Have an understanding of the theory, concepts, principles, issues and limitations of network technologies and internet technologies and how these technologies are used for inter-computers communication.
Module Recommendations

This is prior learning (or a practical skill) that is required before enrolment on this module. While the prior learning is expressed as named NCI module(s) it also allows for learning (in another module or modules) which is equivalent to the learning specified in the named module(s).

No recommendations listed
Co-requisite Modules
No Co-requisite modules listed
Entry requirements

Internal to the programme


Module Content & Assessment

Indicative Content
Computer Architecture
• System Overview • Data Transfer and Bus Architecture – Serial and Parrellel • Internal Memory • The Power Supply – Importance, problems, standards, voltage, wattage, power supply fan • Peripherals – Input, output and external storage devices • The Central Processing Unit – Instructions, Arithmetic, number systems, The Processor, datapath
Architecture of different Operating Systems
• Operating Systems (OS) Overview: Characteristics and desirable features of an OS, types of OS, early OS, security issues • Windows NT OS Architecture • UNIX OS Architecture
Techniques used in Operating Systems
• User Interfaces: Graphical User Interface, Command Line Interface, Batch File programming • Interprocess Communications • Memory management: objectives, organisation • Processes scheduling algorithms • Device Handlers • Buffering • Spooling • File system management
Inter-computers Communication
• Introduction to data communication: distributed processing, categories of networks, internet, protocol and standards • Network models: layered architecture, encapsusation, OSI model, TCP/IP model • Introduction to Wireshark • Introduction to Packet Tracer - Networking Configuration and Troubleshooting • Transmission media: guided media – twisted pair cable, co-axial cable, fibre-optic cable; unguided media •Wired and wireless LANs
TCP/IP Protocol Suite
• TCP/IP versions • Type of addresses: MAC address, IP address, Port address • TCP, UDP and IP protocols • IP addressing: binary and dotted decimal notations, classes , unicast, multicast and broadcast addresses, routing
Virtualization and Cloud Computing
• Adevent of Cloud Computing • The illusion of Infinite Resources • As A Service • What is Virtualization - Abstraction • The Hypervisor • Techniques and Tools • Configuration and Spinning of a Virtual Machine • Imaging and Snapshots • Best Practice
Linux Fundamentals
• Origins of Linux • Linux Distros - Ubuntu / OpenSUSE / Mint • Basic Commands and Navigation • Desktop & Server • Complex Commands - Permissions / Bash / Scripting
• What is a Containerization • Introducing Docker • The Development Environment • Online IDE - C9 / CodeAnywhere • Introduction to APIs - REST/SOAP /Postman / Dell Boomi
Principles of IT security
• Threats - Malware / Virus / DDos / EDos / SQL injection / XSS / CSRF • Countermeasures - CIA / Least Priviledge • Compliance & Risk • Patches , Update, Maintenance & Best Practise • Red & Blue Book - Strategies for Attack & Defence
CAOSN in Industry, Trends & Upcoming Technology
• Current Industry Standards • Recent Trends in IT domain and Architectures • 5/6G / IoT / Blockchain / Serverless Computing / Cashless Society • Bleeding Edge Use Cases : Libre / Neom / Estonia / China • Certifications & Accreditation - CCNA / NET+ / ECDL
Assessment Breakdown%
End of Module Assessment50.00%


Full Time

Assessment Type: Assignment % of total: 50
Assessment Date: n/a Outcome addressed: 3,4
Non-Marked: No
Assessment Description:
The Continuous assessment comprises in-class quizzes and laboratory exercises where the student uses the Operating System utilities, tools and the user interface to exercise, demonstrate and investigate the Operating System as well as to understand the network technologies and how these technologies are used to support inter- computers communication. The typical tools used by students in these exercises are Virtual Box/ Ubuntu, Bash, Perl, tshark, Socat and Nmap.
End of Module Assessment
Assessment Type: Terminal Exam % of total: 50
Assessment Date: End-of-Semester Outcome addressed: 1,2,4
Non-Marked: No
Assessment Description:
End-of-Semester Final Examination
No Workplace Assessment
Reassessment Requirement
Repeat examination
Reassessment of this module will consist of a repeat examination. It is possible that there will also be a requirement to be reassessed in a coursework element.
Reassessment Description
Reassessment of this module will consist of a repeat examination. It is possible that there will also be a requirement to be reassessed in a coursework element.

NCIRL reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment


Module Workload

Module Target Workload Hours 0 Hours
Workload: Full Time
Workload Type Workload Description Hours Frequency Average Weekly Learner Workload
Lecture No Description 24 Per Semester 2.00
Tutorial No Description 12 Per Semester 1.00
Independent Learning No Description 89 Per Semester 7.42
Total Weekly Contact Hours 3.00
Workload: Online
Workload Type Workload Description Hours Frequency Average Weekly Learner Workload
Lecture No Description 12 Per Semester 1.00
Tutorial No Description 12 Per Semester 1.00
Directed Learning No Description 12 Per Semester 1.00
Independent Learning No Description 89 Per Semester 7.42
Total Weekly Contact Hours 3.00
Workload: Part Time
Workload Type Workload Description Hours Frequency Average Weekly Learner Workload
Lecture No Description 24 Every Week 24.00
Lab No Description 12 Every Week 12.00
Independent Learning No Description 89 Once per semester 7.42
Total Weekly Contact Hours 36.00

Module Resources

Recommended Book Resources
  • Patterson, D and Hennessy, J. (2012), omputer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, Revised 4th Edition. Waltham, MA : Morgan Kaufmann.
  • Stallings, W. (2014), Operating Systems Internals and Design Principles, 4th. Prentice Hall.
  • Andrew S. Tanenbaum. (2014), Modern Operating Systems, 4th. Prentice Hall.
  • Forouzan, B.A. (2011), Data Communications and Networking, McGraw Hill.
Supplementary Book Resources
  • Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne. (2012), Operating System Concepts, John Wiley & Sons.
  • Morris, M. and Kime C. (2008), Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals, Pearson International Edition.
  • Stallings, W. (2013), Data and Computer Communications, Prentice-Hall.
  • Forouzan, B. (2009), TCP/IP Protocol Suite,, McGraw-Hill International Editions.
This module does not have any article/paper resources
This module does not have any other resources
Discussion Note: