Programme Code HCIFS
Programme Duration 2
Programme Level 6
EQF Level 5
EHEA Level Short Cycle
Programme Credits 120
Semester Duration 1 Week(s)
Language of Instruction English
Field of Study 0412 - Finance, banking, insurance
CAO Code; QQI Progamme Code etc
Programme Extra Information *Class Contact Hours for Work-Based Modules are based on a weekly Portfolio Building Tutorial throughout the academic year. This tutorial will not be exclusive to an individual work-based module, but will focus on the preparation and collection of evidence for all first stage work-based modules. At a minimum, apprentices can expect to have at least 15 minutes on-to-one interaction with their supervisor every three weeks in addition to regular group supervision and seminars Pass by compensation is not applicable using work-based modules

Programme Outcomes

On successful completion of this programme the learner will be able to :

Demonstrate a practical knowledge of international financial services context, including regulatory, economic, societal, and emerging perspectives in the international financial services environment.
Comprehend problems, issues, and concerns which arise within the international financial services context and undertake, and / or propose, responses to them, applying theory, concepts, technologies and practice based approaches.
Interpret information, manage data, and communicate appropriately to a variety of stakeholders in the international financial services field.
Exercise independence and professional acumen in conduct and completion of a range of work and learning activities.
Demonstrate resourcefulness, autonomy and self-reliance in the conduct of work, exhibiting accountability for work outputs, decisions made in work and the learning environment.
Demonstrate the ability to work effectively with others, sharing responsibility for performance, evaluation, and development in their sphere of work and learning.
Exercise personal responsibility in terms of independent and interdependent learning in order to further personal and professional development.
Articulate impressions, perceptions and interpretations from experiences of work and learning, demonstrating an awareness of a range of social, sectoral and contextual issues as appropriate to international financial services.

Semester Schedules

Stage 1 / Semester 1

Core Subject
Module Code Title
A6FMI Financial Markets & Institutions
A6FNDAD Fund Administration
6ICTDC ICT and Data Competency in IFS
6RMGT Relationship Management
6WBL1 Work Based Learning 1

Stage 2 / Semester 1

Core Subject
Module Code Title
6CIIFS Contemporary Issues in International Financial Services 
Module Code Title
A6EFP Economics for Financial Practitioners
Core Subject
Module Code Title
A6FAR Financial Accounting and Reporting
6MGTSW Management in a Sustainable World 
Module Code Title
6WBL2 Work Based Learning 2