Programme Code BSHDS
Programme Duration 4
Programme Level 8
EQF Level 6
EHEA Level First Cycle
Programme Credits 240
Semester Duration 12 Week(s)
Language of Instruction English
Field of Study 0611 - Computer use
Supplementary Field of Study Computer use
CAO Code; QQI Progamme Code etc

Programme Outcomes

On successful completion of this programme the learner will be able to :

Identify, clean, integrate, select, transform, and mine different types of datasets in order to evaluate knowledge and present novel insight.
Design, implement, evaluate and document algorithmic solutions that demonstrate use of state of the art processes, methodologies, tools and techniques that efficiently solve a variety of complex problems.
Utilise advanced statistical analysis, modelling, data mining and machine learning tools and techniques to analyse and derive insight and value from data in an applied context.
Adopt appropriate professional, ethical, legal, security and privacy principles in the construction and implementation of data science solutions.
Effectively visualise and communicate the results of analysis to both technical and non-technical audiences in a professional setting.
Critically and effectively analyse problems through both independent and collaborative efforts in order to develop solutions and provide information and insight to meet business requirements as part of a professional team.
Use problem solving and analytical thinking techniques, communication, and interaction skills to support decision making in a variable and unfamiliar learning context.

Semester Schedules

Stage 1 / Semester 1

Core Subject
Module Code Title
H6CMPTHNK Computational Thinking
H6DISMTHS Discrete Mathematics
H6IDS Introduction to Data Science
H6PSPC Problem Solving & Programming Concepts
H6TCI The Computing Industry

Stage 1 / Semester 2

Core Subject
Module Code Title
H6COMPSYS Computing Systems
H6IDMD Introduction to Data Modelling and Databases
H6PROG1 Programming I
H6STATS1 Statistics I

Stage 2 / Semester 1

Core Subject
Module Code Title
H6ADA Advanced Databases
H6DV Data Visualisation
H6PROG2 Programming II
H6STATS2 Statistics II

Stage 2 / Semester 2

Core Subject
Module Code Title
H6DMML Data Mining and Machine Learning
H6ITPM IT Project Management
H6LA Linear Algebra
H6PROG3 Programming III

Stage 3 / Semester 1

Core Subject
Module Code Title
H7AML Advanced Machine Learning
H7DA Data Architecture
H7SDA Scalable Data Analytics
Group Elective 1
Module Code Title
H7AI Artificial Intelligence
H7DWBI Data Warehousing & Business Intelligence

Stage 3 / Semester 2

Group Elective 2
Module Code Title
H7ACI Academic Internship
H7ACI Academic Internship
H7WP Work Placement

Stage 4 / Semester 1

Core Subject
Module Code Title
H8DSP Data Science Project
Group Elective 3
Module Code Title
H8NNPA Neural Networks & Prescriptive Analytics
H8SDA Strategic Data Analysis
H8SMSOA Systems Modelling, Simulation & Optimization for Analytics
H8TA Text Analytics

Stage 4 / Semester 2

Core Subject
Module Code Title
H8DGSE Data Governance, Security and Ethics
Group Elective 4
Module Code Title
H8HA Healthcare Analytics
H8IOTRTA IoT Real Time Analytics
H8TSFA Time Series & Financial Analytics