Module Code: H9FINMG
Long Title Financial Management
Title Financial Management
Module Level: LEVEL 9
EQF Level: 7
EHEA Level: Second Cycle
Credits: 10
Module Coordinator: Anne Cooper
Module Author: Deirdre Bane
Departments: School of Business
Specifications of the qualifications and experience required of staff  
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module the learner will be able to:
# Learning Outcome Description
LO1 Apply both qualitative and quantitative skills in order to analyse issues in financial management
LO2 Appraise the financial role in a company and how it interacts with other key business functions
LO3 Analyse key information in company financial statements
LO4 Evaluate projects using a number of alternative methods to determine if and how they contribute to shareholder value, and explain the results
LO5 Critique the different processes that contribute to financial management and demonstrate the ability to participate in these processes
LO6 Consider the key factors that influence financial decisions and critically assess the models used to support such decisions
Module Recommendations

This is prior learning (or a practical skill) that is required before enrolment on this module. While the prior learning is expressed as named NCI module(s) it also allows for learning (in another module or modules) which is equivalent to the learning specified in the named module(s).

No recommendations listed
Co-requisite Modules
No Co-requisite modules listed
Entry requirements

There are no additional entry requirements for this module.  The programme entry requirements apply.  No pre-requisites or co-requisites apply.  


Module Content & Assessment

Indicative Content
Introduction to Financial Management
Role of Finance and Accounting and the key users of financial information, Role and goals of Financial Management Fundamental accounting concepts, Requirements of accounting information, uses and limitations of accounting information.
Financial Statement Analysis
Core financial statements, the annual report and its contents, Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Profit or Loss, Cash Flow Statement and interrelationships between these statements relationship between accounting information, share price and company performance, Ratio Analysis and the importance of ratios in analysing financial statements, ROE, efficiency, liquidity, gearing, profitability ratios and other Regulations governing accounting, Accounting standards (legal, taxation, stock exchange and professional).
Project Evaluation
Time value of Money, Present value of future cashflows, Quantitative methods of corporate finance, Investment Appraisal ‘s useful measures for guiding investment decisions - payback - net present value - internal rate of return - accounting rate of return profitability index - capital rationing.
Planning and Decision Making
Long-term and short -term financial planning, translating strategy into financial plans and the budget process. Role of budgets, interrelationship of budgets, problems associated with budgeting, responsibility centres.
Control and Performance Measurement
Management accounting control systems, relevance of profit as a performance measure, requirement for alternative, non-financial indicators. Critical dependent factors and industry-based influences on a firm’s performance measurement and management.
Working Capital Management
Difference between profit and cashflow - sources and uses of cash. Working Capital Management - debtors - creditors – inventory. Cash Management and Credit ManagemenT.
Leverage, Raising Capital and Capital Structure
Capital Structure - the balance between debt and equity - the effects of leverage and the implications for returns - the value of the firm and the cost of capital - Modigliani and Miller’s theory of irrelevance of capital structure. Dividends and Dividend Policy - Do dividends matter? Dividends as Market indicators, Implication of Taxation and other factors that affect dividend policy. Sources of Finance - short - medium - long-term – internal. Issuing Long-term Debt, Selling Securities to the Public, Venture Capital, IPOs.
Mergers and Acquisitions
Mergers and Acquisitions estimating gains from M&A - identifying value in the acquisition - approaches to funding the acquisition. The Mechanics of a Merger, Competition Law and defensive tactics.
Assessment Breakdown%
End of Module Assessment40.00%


Full Time

Assessment Type: Continuous Assessment % of total: 60
Assessment Date: n/a Outcome addressed: 1,2,3,4,5
Non-Marked: No
Assessment Description:
Learners will be given a number of projects which require them to analyse a particular financial management issue within a case study framework. The learner must display an ability to analyse the financial information and make appropriate decisions in order to maximise both existing and potential shareholder value. Elements of the project involve team and individual group work.
End of Module Assessment
Assessment Type: Terminal Exam % of total: 40
Assessment Date: End-of-Semester Outcome addressed: 1,2,3,4,5,6
Non-Marked: No
Assessment Description:
The end of semester examination paper is three hours in duration. In order to examine whether students have achieved the module learning outcomes, the questions will require candidates to apply calculation techniques and/or essay writing skills as appropriate for a Level 9 qualification. Marks will be awarded based on clarity, structure relevant examples, depth of topic knowledge and evidence of outside core text reading
No Workplace Assessment
Reassessment Requirement
Repeat examination
Reassessment of this module will consist of a repeat examination. It is possible that there will also be a requirement to be reassessed in a coursework element.
Reassessment Description
Learners must attempt each element of assessment. Where a learner fails to achieve an average mark of 40% overall, they will be offered the opportunity to sit a repeat examination testing all of the learning outcomes. Failure to pass at a second attempt will result in the learner repeating the module.

NCIRL reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment


Module Workload

Module Target Workload Hours 0 Hours
Workload: Full Time
Workload Type Workload Description Hours Frequency Average Weekly Learner Workload
Lecture Classroom and demonstrations 30 Per Semester 2.50
Directed Learning Directed e-learning 30 Per Semester 2.50
Independent Learning Independent learning 190 Per Semester 15.83
Total Weekly Contact Hours 5.00

Module Resources

Recommended Book Resources
  • David Hillier,Stephen A.. Ross. (2020), Corporate Finance, 4th Ed. McGraw-Hill College, Higher Education UK, p.897, [ISBN: 978-0077121150].
  • Atrill, P. (2019), Financial Management for Decision Makers, 9th Ed. Pearson Education Limited.
  • Walsh, C. (2011), Key Management Ratios, FT Pearson.
Supplementary Book Resources
  • Brealey,R.A., Myers, S.C., and Allen, F. (2016), Principles of Corporate Finance, 12th Ed. McGraw Hill Higher Education.
  • Tse, T.C.M. (2017), Corporate Finance: The Basics, Routledge.
  • Bingham, M., Fox, R. and Brigham, E. (2019), Financial Management EMEA: Theory and Practice, Cengage Learning EMEA.
  • Arnold, G. and Lewis, D. (2019), Corporate Financial Management, 6th Edition. Pearson Education Limited.
This module does not have any article/paper resources
This module does not have any other resources
Discussion Note: